
I Switched to Hugo

This blog used to use Gatsby. Now it uses Hugo.

What I like about Hugo


Hugo has an open ecosystem of really well-written and maintained themes. At the time of writing, I’m using paper. I also like the model of overriding theme files by creating files in the static and assets directories. For the most part, I find this model of extensibility is intuitive. The paper theme also uses Tailwind CSS, and I like that I can use Tailwind classes out of the box.

I also like that theme source code is easily accessible. Because themes are installed to the themes directory within the project’s root directory, I can view theme source code easily and extend it quickly.


I like that the paper theme has support for tags out of the box. I’ve been using tags with Obsidian, my current preferred note-taking app.

It could be argued that tags are limited in their use as generic search optimization and that tags represent a form of manual search engine “hinting” which is unnecessary in light of better (i.e., automatic) statistical analysis. If ChatGPT can summarize an article, why use tags? I think tags serve a useful purpose by grouping content. I like that Hugo makes it easy to use tags.

Go and Go Modules

Because Hugo is written in Go, I can leverage the Go ecosystem. I like working with Go modules far more than working with NPM packages. I think Go module versioning is much more intuitive, and I appreciate how Go couples module versioning with git repos. I anticipate that this will make updating a Hugo-based blog easier than updating a Gatsby-based blog.


Hugo is fast. I like that I can make a change or change my hugo.toml config file and see local changes almost instantaneously. Speed is a big benefit when it comes to hosting.

What I liked about Gatsby

Gatsby Plugins

Gatsby’s plugin ecosystem is fairly robust. I enjoyed being able to quickly add plugins for reading time estimation, RSS support, and static image optimization, among others. For the most part, Gatsby plugins were plug-and-play or required only minor configuration.

Gatsby Builds and Hosting

Gatsby’s hosting for my site was free. My blog expenses consisted of my time and DNS leases. I didn’t use any analytics, dedicated content management system (CMS), or comment system (such as Disqus). I can’t complain about the free hosting model for individual use.

Gatsby’s CI/CD pipeline was, for the most part, easy to set up and use. While I eventually encountered timeout errors (apparently due to timeouts while processing images), I liked that I could simply commit to main and see updates online in minutes.

What I didn’t like about Gatsby

Node.js and Updates

Most of the issues I had with Gatsby were issues with NPM packages and Node.js. Updating was a pain. I was never sure whether to update Node.js/npm versions, Gatsby versions, or Gatsby plugin versions.

Ideally, I would have run npm update or yarn update and everything would sort itself out, but I increasingly encountered package conflicts. At times I resorted to rebuilding the site and copy-pasting existing articles over when a new major version of Gatsby was released.

Broken Gatsby Builds and Auto-Deployment

Gatsby’s auto-deployment through GitHub worked well… until it didn’t. I used Gatsby for several months without issue. But then I ran into issues with builds timing out on Gatsby’s web interface, apparently due to image processing taking a long time (I had enabled some plugins for static image optimization).

While the occasionally failing build was annoying, the biggest issue was that, because the CI/CD pipeline was largely managed by Gatsby internally, I had limited visibility when things went wrong. Upgrading my Gatsby hosting plan to a paid option with more resources (i.e., less-strict resource hardware limits) may have solved some of these intermittent build issues, but I didn’t want to be locked into Gatsby’s paid hosting model.

Free-Hosting with a Paid CMS

I also considered migrating my Markdown and image files to a dedicated CMS. I thought that if I had a CMS that was responsible for image hosting, the Gatsby build process would be faster and less error-prone. As with upgrading Gatsby to a paid option, however, I decided to avoid this route to avoid vendor lock-in and keep expenses down.

Opportunity Cost

The opportunity cost of learning Hugo probably outweighed the hosting costs of a paid tier of Gatsby and a dedicated CMS combined for some large number of months. I like playing with Hugo.

To Gatsby and Hugo’s credit, this transition has been fast; I was able to port most of this blog over to Hugo within a day. But if a business client had a perfectly working Gatsby blog, I don’t think I would recommend they switch to Hugo, ignoring any extenuating circumstances. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


If you’re looking for a developer-friendly blog framework, I recommend Hugo over Gatsby. But they’re both excellent tools and get the job done.